bought recently

I’m getting married!

Ok, that’s old news. I’ve been engaged for 18 months already but  don’t think I’ve mentioned this in my blog before. The fact is that I’ve been far better at browsing through wedding stuff on Pinterest than actually organising my own day. But now it’s only 3 months away and I’m finally getting into wedding mode which means that I’m stressing about ridiculous stuff such as the perfect shade of blue for the invites.

I found a gold triangle ring at Pigeonhole that works really well with my engagement ring.

It’s not going to be my wedding band (I did offer this to Greg – this $30 ring is far cheaper than any proper wedding band) but for the next three months, it’ll be sitting next to the diamond ring.

Also, quick story; this is actually my second engagement ring. The one Greg actually proposed to me with is now at the bottom of the Swan River. I lost it after ski biscuiting on a cool day. Yep, it was devastating and yep, I went out and hired a waterproof metal detector and bribed a scuba diving friend to search for it but it was useless. My first engagement ring which was perfect; simple, delicate and chosen just for me was well and truly gone. But then my in laws surprised me with a new ring which meant a second not-so-romantic proposal in their lounge room. Moral of the story: expensive things and me don’t mix.